Day 1 Slides
Day 2 Slides
SHMUP Walkthrough (In case you want more step-by step instructions)
Day 3 Slides
Adventure Game Walkthrough
Day 4 Slides
Platformer Walkthrough
GML code
For the platformer, if you want to check for slopes. Use this function when Applying Movement horizontally BEFORE you forecast to the side. You will need a maxSlope variable in the create event. **Note, code will need to be adjusted for your object names
function SlopeCheck(argument0) {
//Scan for Slopes
var mySign = argument0;
var slope = 0;
for (var i = maxSlope; i >= -maxSlope; i–)
if (place_meeting(x + mySign, y + i, obj_Solid_Parent) && !place_meeting(x + mySign, y + (i – 1), obj_Solid_Parent))
slope = i-1;
y += slope;
Count Up Clock
This code will create a clock that counts up in seconds and minutes. It has a Time() function that you need to put into an Alarm that runs at room_speed. The TimeToString function should be in a Draw event. Don’t forget to set the variables seconds/minutes/hours in the create event.
function Time() {
seconds ++;
if seconds >= 60
seconds -= 60;
minutes += 1;
if minutes >= 60
minutes -=60;
hours += 1;
function TimeToString(_x, _y) {
var _sec, _min = string(minutes);
if (seconds < 10) {
_sec = string_insert("0", string_format(seconds,1,0),0);
} else {
_sec = string_format(seconds,2,0)
if (minutes < 1) {
_min = "00";
} else if (minutes >= 1 && minutes < 10) {
_min = string_insert("0", string(minutes), 0);
} else {
_min = string(minutes);
draw_text( _x, _y, _min + ":" + _sec );